Stop Waiting

Sharing with you, a very inspiring video and message: STOP WAITING, by Alexandra Jaye.

* Stop waiting to be perfect
* Focusing on what you want to create and who you want to be
* Living with integrity and honoring our commitments
* Be you, be grateful and go rock it

Thanks, Alexandra for the wonderful video.


Fireflies, these magical little insects – adults don’t even look at them any more. Last summer, a little kid named Matthew showed me how to catch fireflies gently. It was the first time I looked at a firefly up close and I was amazed.

Thanks to Radim’s vision and through his eyes (lens), we are able to appreciate fireflies even more. The world is full of wonders in the eyes of a child. Get in touch with your “kiddish” side and see the world in a whole new way.

Read about Radim’s interview here:

Radim - Fireflies

Radim - Fireflies (