Leave the Fall in the Bag

One of the fun things to do in the fall is to play amongst the fallen leaves.

One of the NOT so fun things to do in the fall is to bag those leaves.

I did both today.

Gathering the leaves the old fashion way


Horray to self-timer

After all the fun, I only managed to pack one bag of leaves …. (see the brown paper bag behind me)

Be sure to buy the bags that have “WM” (Waste Management) sign on them. Hyvee carries these bags. Waste Management will not pick up bags that don’t have WM sign (like the ones sold in Walmart).

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IMG_6227This tree next to my house has turned half red. Soon, it will turn all red and then the leaves are going to fall by the dozen. When the leaves are all gone, that would mark the end of fall and the beginning of another cold winter.

I call this tree THE AUTUMNETER.